At Reach KC, we strive to be instruments of change, hope and love and we believe that we can never out-give God. 1 Corinthians 4:7 says “What do you have that God hasn’t given you?” When you give of what God has given you, your investment transforms lives and restores hope!
Would you partner with us?
Kingdom Builders is the heart behind everything we do here at Reach KC. When we mention Kingdom Builders, we are referring to methods we use to build God's Kingdom. Methods such as: World Missions, Local Missions, Outreach, and other building projects.
You can partner with Kingdom Builders through prayer or through financial donations. We have learned that we can't out-give God! Kingdom Builders is what we call above and beyond the tithe. If you would like to give, click the button below and designate your donation to the Kingdom Builder's fund.

Pando App
The Pando App is an app that provides Christian content to inmates across the USA. As one of the Kingdom Builders project, Reach has the ability to influence incarcerated men and women throughout the country.
Since November 2023 we have had the opportunity to see:
41,675 Subscribers
3,007​ Salvations
We are far from done with this ministry and with your help we can continue to grow it!​

Through our connection with Partnership International we get the opportunity to go to Bujumbura, Burundi in Africa February 2025! We are hoping to raise $10,000 to be able to build TWO homes for families in need. This will drastically change their lives.
If you are interested in going we will update you with more information soon!